How to Go from Stuck to Unstuck

If you find yourself stuck, perhaps it’s time to explore the reasons why. With some simple self-exploration you can pinpoint the areas of your life that require change. It may require you to leave your comfort zone, but in the end you’ll likely find that it was all worth it!

It’s also important for you to build an action plan. If you stay organized and follow a simple plan of action step by step, there will be nothing that can stop you from achieving your goals.

Here are some ideas that can get you on your way to getting unstuck:

1. Set Up Accountability. When you hold yourself accountable and keep a close eye on your goals, you’ll be better able to identify when you’re stuck in a rut. The first step is to really figure out why you’re feeling stuck in the first place.

2. Set A Time Goal. You’re stuck and you’d like to be unstuck, but chances are you’ve been putting off working toward your goal. You’ve already decided to make yourself accountable and now it’s time to give yourself a time limit – so do it!

3. Be Not Afraid. Being afraid of change is one of the biggest reasons why you get stuck in the first place. Perhaps you’re feeling trapped in your job and, in order to get the job you’d like, you have to go back to college. You need to get over your fear and see what you need to do to apply. You’ll be happy you did when you land your dream job someday.

4. Look For Role Models. Find someone who has been through your situation or something similar and see how he or she was able to overcome obstacles. If possible, ask this person questions.

5. Change Your Thinking. It’s true: your actions first start as thoughts. When you think positive and brave thoughts, you’ll be motivated into action!

6. Take Time. Remember to take some time for yourself to collect your thoughts. You may discover some insight into how to solve your challenges. Make sure you’re completely alone with your thoughts without any distractions.

Taking Action

It’s easy to remain in your “stuck” situation because it’s familiar and you know what’s going to happen. You might even feel safe. However, eventually the dissatisfaction you feel will take over and you’ll realize that the only way to get “unstuck” is to take immediate action to change.

Make the Change

Once you choose your timetable, you’ll want to break down your changes into small steps. Track your progress and tweak your system to make sure your changes are making a difference.

For example, if you’re feeling stuck in a relationship, you’ll first evaluate where you think the concern lies. Perhaps you aren’t communicating effectively. If so, you can set a timetable of three months to overcome this challenge.

You can then break down the problem into smaller steps by reading a book on communication, talking about it with your partner, or attempting counseling sessions. As you go through these actions, you’re constantly keeping a close eye on how it affects your relationship.

In the end you have a firm decision about your relationship’s progress and you no longer feel stuck. If you hadn’t taken action, it’d be impossible to improve!

Repeat the Process

Once you’ve applied this system to one aspect of your life, you can use the same strategies whenever you’re feeling stuck. Whether large or small, there are always actions you can take to break through barriers!

Staying Motivated No Matter What!

Do you have the motivation you need to get up and face the day with a smile?

If you’re lacking motivation you’ll be happy to discover that you don’t have to go through life bored, tired, or down. You actually can manifest your motivation!

There are many things you can do to harness and use motivation in any situation and at any time. After all, being motivated will help you enjoy your life in so many ways!

How You Can Stay Motivated

Staying motivated has much to do with how much energy you have working for you. You’ll be more motivated to get things done when you’re putting your energy to good use.

* Be sure to eat a balanced diet and get enough rest; this will ensure that your energy level and your motivation are always at their peak.

Another way to stay motivated is to remember your past accomplishments. This feeling can pick you up and remind you that you are strong and fully capable. Focusing on your past successes will help you lower your head and push forward even when you don’t want to.

Ask yourself: What would life be like if you never pushed yourself to do things you don’t want to do? You would probably never take out the trash, you might never get up for work in the morning, and you probably wouldn’t even get dinner on the table. But then, what’s the point of life?

Life wouldn’t be as comfortable or enjoyable without pushing yourself through roadblocks, barriers, or uninteresting tasks. Without motivation, life can be messy, boring, or more complicated than it should be. That’s not what you want, right?

Utilizing the Power of Motivational Affirmations

You can use motivational affirmations for those days when you simply want to stay in bed with the covers over your head.

Search for motivational affirmations that speak to you. Whether you write them yourself or use others that have already been created, find statements that touch your life. Think about your goals that make you want to be a better person, and then turn these thoughts into positive statements.

* Affirmations always focus on the positive and the present so you can inspire personal growth in your life.

Affirmations are easy to use and can help keep you motivated in any situation, best of all, they are simple to use throughout your day. The key is to repeat the affirmations several times until you notice a positive change in your mood.

Examples of Motivational Affirmations

Some examples of motivating affirmations are:

* “I welcome positive energy and I use that feeling to accomplish more.”
* “I use my energy to live my life to the fullest.”

These are simple statements that encapsulate the way you would like to think or respond in difficult situations.

* Instead of talking yourself out of tackling a task, you can use affirmations to get you motivated to complete the task in record time!

Getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, remembering pleasant memories of past tasks completed, and using motivational affirmations can help you to get – and stay – motivated. Once you find what works for you, you’ll notice how much more you’re enjoying your life and work, so get started today!

Top 10 Inspirational Sayings

We all have those moments when we need inspiration to gain confidence and build momentum. That’s why inspirational sayings are so popular!

When you live a life without inspiration, it can be a life without any real joy or passion. In those moments where you need a little pick me up or a reminder of the many great things you have in your life, you can turn to the power of inspirational words. You need to have a collection of inspirational sayings in your toolkit that resonate with you so you can get more done and still feel great!

The Top 10 Ten Inspirational Sayings You Can Use Everywhere!

There are a lot of great motivational sayings out there that we can turn to when we are feeling down, but we should be using them all the time, rain or shine! Strive to incorporate inspirational sayings into your every day life, using them to inspire you to reach higher and push harder so you can achieve all of the things you have set out to do and more.

Some wonderful inspirational sayings include:

1. There is a beautiful light at the end of my tunnel.
2. I take small steps in life and value my time.
3. In order to share happiness with others, I must also be happy.
4. As I let go of dissatisfaction, I feel happiness in my life.
5. My life is full of purpose, exciting change, and many recognized deeds.
6. No matter the challenge, I will see it through.
7. I am becoming more focused and confident every day.
8. I welcome positive energy and I use that feeling to accomplish more.
9. My life is already full of success.
10. I keep only two mental snapshots of myself: where I am and where I want to be in life.

These are all very simple inspirational sayings that work to affirm positive thoughts and attitudes in your mind. Affirmations are simply positive statements that remind you of your goals and positive uniqueness so you can boost your self-confidence.

Accomplish More with the Power of Inspirational Thinking

Inspirational sayings and affirmations can help us move forward in life and accomplish greater things than we could have ever imagined. After all, we can’t deny the power of a can-do attitude. If more of us incorporate inspiration into our lives, we would all be happier and more successful people. When you incorporate positive sayings into your life, you’ll find that you’ll respond on a subconscious level and you’ll no longer need to look very far for inspiration!

If you’re down or lacking confidence, you can use inspirational sayings to find the courage to move forward and force out any negative thoughts that may be cycling through your mind. When you say these statements with gusto, you are re-affirming positive thoughts in your mind, making them a part of who you are. Remember to use these sayings at any and every occasion to give you the inspiration you need to get through any challenge, both big and small.

Inspiration is All Around You – Look for It

Finding inspiration comes naturally to some people. For others, it takes practice. If you don’t feel very inspired right now, the good news is that you can change the way you look at things and, in doing so, you’ll welcome more inspiration into your life.

Where to Look

Inspiration can be found everywhere, but different experiences generate enthusiasm in different people. If what you’re seeing doesn’t move you, try changing your location. If you’re in the city, head for nature. If you’re out in a rural setting, check out the bustle of the big city.

Sometimes a change in perspective and scenery can make all the difference. If you’ve tried that and it hasn’t helped, perhaps try focusing on the specifics. Maybe you’re inspired by the shimmer of dew on a petal, the reflection of the setting sun on the multi-paned windows of a skyscraper, or the tapestry of voices in a busy coffee shop.

What Do You See?

Of course, where you’re looking might not be the only reason you’re not feeling inspired. Your mindset can also have a big impact on whether you feel inspired. Open your mind so you can really see what’s there. Avoid looking just at the surface, but focus on what’s beneath it. You might be surprised at what you find.

For example, when your young daughter says, “Play this game with me,” do you see a bored child or do you feel the love and joy that she brings to every chance to spend some quality time with you? When the sun rises in the morning, do you think, “It’s too early to get up” or do you feel gratitude for the opportunities this new day can bring to you?

How to Seek Things That Inspire You

With a positive mental attitude, things will look far different than they do when you’re unhappy or angry. Of course, everyone feels bad sometimes. If you find that you’re always feeling sad and uninspired, though, it might be time to change your focus toward something that brings you joy.

Taking time to stop and smell the roses – just enjoying the moment – might be all you need to find your inspiration!

While others can bring you happiness at times, true joy must come from within. Inspiration is often the same. It comes from inside of you, and is only sparked by outside sources that you see and hear. If you aren’t sure how to look for inspiration, consider:

  • Talking with a loved one about the things that inspire that person.
  • Going somewhere that you haven’t been before to get a different perspective.
  • Looking at something you see every day in a different way or from a different angle.
  • Closing your eyes and seeking inspiration in the sounds and smells around you.

Sometimes you need to get creative with the way you hunt for inspiration. It’s literally everywhere, but it can be easy to miss in the bustle of our lives. To move away from your ordinary perspectives, a little bit of a shakeup could be necessary. Often just a small action or a change in perspective can help you experience the world in a whole new way.

14 Ways To Rejuvenate Your Passions This Spring

Spring brings the perfect opportunity to shake off your winter doldrums! Get in tune with the all the new growth around you and make some positive changes in your life: try these 14 ways to rejuvenate your passions.

Rejuvenating Passions in Your Professional Life

1. Reconnect with former colleagues. If you’re feeling more energetic now that the days are getting longer, use that time to look up people you’ve fallen out of touch with. Strengthen your network. Call up an old coworker to get together for lunch.

2. Learn a new skill. Ask your human resources department about any training programs available in your workplace. Order a catalog from your local community college. Take a course on project management or negotiation skills.

3. Brighten your office. Hang up new wall art or change your computer wallpaper to a new image like colorful birds or a country lane. Pick up a pretty desk lamp at a thrift shop.

4. Switch to a standing desk. Improve your health and boost your energy levels. Stand up while you work. Studies show that you may add an average of three years to your life.

5. Edit your resume. Give your resume the once over. Add in your most recent accomplishments. You’ll feel more motivated and better prepared for your next job search or performance evaluation.

6. Be kind to your coworkers. Helping others is the most effective path to happiness. Offer praise generously. Pitch in when you see a coworker struggling with their workload.

Rejuvenating Passions in Your Personal Life

1. Volunteer. Share your high spirits with others in need in your community. Spend a weekend afternoon sorting cans at a neighborhood food bank. Register for a walkathon for your favorite cause.

2. Exercise outdoors. Take a break from the treadmill. Join a softball league or play volleyball on the beach. Browse online for outdoor tai chi or yoga classes.

3. Update your look. When you look better, you feel better. Treat yourself to a spa day. If money is tight, give yourself some home treatments like a rose water skin toner or avocado hair conditioner.

4. Tend to your garden. Gardening is good for your body and mind. Mow the lawn and prune trees and shrubs that may have been damaged over the winter. Get ready for your pretty new flower beds.

5. Banish clutter. Give yourself more breathing room. Use spring cleaning as an opportunity to discard things you rarely use. List them for sale online or donate them to a charity shop.

6. Go on a double date. See your partner in new light by going out to dinner with another couple. You’ll have fun and discover new ways of interacting. If you’re between relationships, organize a group activity where you can meet new people with less pressure than on a conventional date.

7. Unleash your creativity. Make time for creative pursuits. Visit an art museum and really engage with the works. Tour an art supply store for new ideas for craft time with your kids. Build a birdhouse out of wood or from a gourd you grew yourself.

8. Indulge in spring vegetables and fruit. Seasonal produce is one of the greatest pleasures of spring. Whip up a parfait of mixed berries, granola and yogurt. Sautee asparagus in garlic and butter. Bake a rhubarb tart for dessert or toss chopped rhubarb with raisins and walnuts for an easy salad.

As the temperatures get milder and flowers pop up everywhere, feel your hopes soar. The spring season is the perfect time to welcome more passion into every aspect of your life.

Finding Your Creative Spark

Don’t you love it when your creativity manifests itself? Creativity brings us benefits that go far beyond artistic expression. Being a creative person can help you to be a better (and higher paid) employee, a better problem solver and an all around more effective person in anything you choose to do.

Even if you don’t think of yourself as an especially creative person, you’ll be glad to know that it’s there within you just waiting for you to use it! Creativity can be expressed in many different ways. Plus, there are many techniques you can use to develop and nurture your natural creativity.

How to Learn Creativity

Like many people, you may think that you’re either creative or you’re not. What a myth! If you long to be more creative, then go for it!

Here are ten tips you can use to become a new, more creative you:

1. Think of yourself as creative. We all have the spark of creativity inside us; it’s just a matter of fanning that flame to keep it alive, as well as knowing where your particular brand of creativity is best applied.¨

* The first step is to know that you’re creative. Think positively about this and work to see your creative side whenever possible.¨

2. Think creatively. If there are two solutions to a problem, try them both. Try out your new ideas, even if they seem a little outlandish at first. These fresh, outside the box, perspectives can lead to huge breakthroughs.¨

* Telling yourself that you’re creative is only the beginning; try to think creatively whenever possible.¨

3. Put your new ideas into action. Don’t worry what other people will think. By trying out your creative ideas, even if you don’t succeed at first, you’ll learn something and give your creativity a chance to flourish.¨

* Don’t be afraid to try new things.¨

4. Don’t over-think things; just go ahead and do it! Rather than thinking of all the reasons NOT to do something, think positively and take a risk. If you have always wanted to try writing or painting, just get it on paper (or canvas, as the case may be) immediately.¨

* Let your creative impulses run wild.¨

5. Be inspired! Pay a visit to a museum, take in a play, try going somewhere you’ve never been or seeing something you’ve never seen.¨

* Inspiration sparks creativity.¨

6. Make time for your creative outlets. We’re all busy these days. Be sure to schedule some time for your creative pursuits. Put yourself in front of your instrument, your computer, or whatever your medium may be for a few hours each week and let your creativity come out.¨

7. Enjoy yourself. Make your creative endeavor a joy, not a chore. This will ensure the continued flow of creative energies.¨

8. Play creative games. This is a fun way to foster creativity! Get together with friends and play charades or another game where success hinges on being expressive and coming up with creative ways to communicate.¨

9. Try a new creative medium. If you have chosen a creative medium, try mixing it up when you get into a rut. If you write, try playing music. If you’re a dancer, try painting – you get the idea.¨

* Shake things up to get some new ideas and perspectives.¨

10. Take a break! If you’re stuck for ideas, don’t sit there in your workspace staring at the walls. Even the most creative people need to take some time off. This can allow a blocked well of creativity to flow again.¨

* Get outside for a bit to recharge your creative energies.¨

Remember to be patient when nurturing your creativity. This shouldn’t be a stressful activity. Make a habit of enjoying these techniques every day and one day soon you just may discover that you’re one of the most creative people out there!

Five Ways to Find Inspiration

Sometimes life is tough and it’s hard to see the pot of gold waiting for you at the end of the rainbow. Fortunately, it’s easier than you think to find a source of inspiration that will motivate you and keep you on the right path toward your goals.

Here are five quick and easy ways to find inspiration:

1. Use motivational quotes and affirmations. It seems that no matter how many times you read or hear your favorite quote, it resonates with you almost as much as the very first time you heard it. Adding to your collection will bring you an ever-flowing well of new inspiration.

* As your goals change, look for quotes and affirmations that reflect your new path so you can gain the inspiration to persevere in your new direction.¨

2. Find inspirational imagery. Sometimes you come across inspiration by spotting something in nature, like a beautiful sunset or freshly fallen snow. Other times you may be inspired by a photograph, an image in a book, or a painting at an art gallery.

* Perhaps the beauty of an image will inspire you to create something beautiful of your own. In the process, you’ll find new excitement and motivation to carry over into the other areas of your life.¨

* An image can also remind you of your destination, which will motivate you to work ever more swiftly with laser-like focus to reach your goal.¨

* Once you find an image that inspires you, rely upon it during stressful or difficult times as a visual reminder to keep moving forward.

3. Confide in strangers. A method you may find surprising as a source of inspiration is to talk to strangers when out and about. There’s an understood confidentiality clause with strangers. Because of the anonymity factor, people may actually become comfortable with someone they may never see again.

* Someone you meet by chance can bring you a new perspective on old challenges. The next time you’re out, try striking up a friendly conversation and share your thoughts.

4. Let your neighbors inspire you with their stories. When you hear someone’s story of personal triumph or hardship while standing in line at the neighborhood post office or sitting in the waiting room at your local doctor’s office, you just may be able to relate to this person.

* Because you’re neighbors or friends, it’s as if you have an instant connection. Their story could very well be yours, with a few different details. Seek out their stories and let them inspire you!

5. Watch motivational videos. Websites like YouTube offer a plethora of motivational and inspirational videos. Some videos, such as the late Randy Pausch’s poignant “Last Lecture,” has inadvertently inspired millions, even though it was originally intended for a much more personal audience.

* People often use YouTube to tell their stories, share successes, and offer advice or encouragement. When facing a challenge, or if you need some words of wisdom from someone who’s “been there, done that,” you’ll surely find inspiration here.

The next time you feel like you need some extra inspiration, try these sources. You may be surprised at how well they work to get you happily working toward fulfilling your goals and living the life you desire.

How to Overcome Stagnation

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Are you struggling in your love life, career, friendships, or passion?

It’s time to take action to fix the problem. You’ll first want to identify the areas of your life that feel “off.”

Take some time to reflect on what’s bothering you and why. Once you know what’s going on, it’s easier to find a solution.

Having a Goal

It’s important to have goals in all aspects of your life because it focuses your energy onto the big picture. When you have a purpose for your actions, you’ll begin to see those little steps being important building blocks for your end goal. Your life won’t seem so stale when you have your end goal in mind at all times.

Here are some tips for setting goals:

* Make your goals attainable. If you have lofty goals, break them up into smaller pieces.
* Write your goals down on paper and keep them handy.
* Always state your goals in a positive fashion (i.e. “I will be free of smoke…” instead of: “I will stop smoking…”)
* Be as detailed as you can when planning out your goals step by step.
* Fight the urge to procrastinate.

Take Action

Once you’ve discovered the areas of your life that need changing, and you have goals in mind, it’s time to take action. When things have hit a point of stagnation there is no other choice you have but to take swift action.

Remember that you can think, plan, or worry all day long but it’ll do nothing positive for your life if you don’t act.

Here are some strategies to keep in mind as you put your goals into action:

1. Don’t Hold Yourself Back. If you already know what’s holding you back, it’s time to fix the problem so you can take action. Is fear holding you back? If so, it’d be in your best interest to master your fears. A life full of stagnation because of fear will do more harm than good.

2. Be Consistent. Many people will crack down on changing their life and then drift back into a world of stagnation. Once you’ve started to take action, make sure it’s consistent action. This is the only way you’ll reach your life goals.

3. Right Now. You already have your plan in place and it’s broken up into small pieces. Ask yourself what you can accomplish right now to put yourself a positive step closer toward your goal. It doesn’t matter if you only have 15 minutes, there is sure to be something you can accomplish in that time period.

4. Take Time to Unwind. It’s easy to get excited and eager about your new goals and dreams, but ensure you schedule some “me time” as well. You need to be able to get a good night’s sleep and rejuvenate your body and mind. Otherwise, you risk physical and mental exhaustion, which will only bring you back to stagnation!

5. Take Notes. Be sure to take notes of your observations and tweak your actions along the way. Doing so will help you figure out what’s working for you and what’s not.

Picture Yourself

At the end of the day you should picture yourself having broken the chain of stagnation. Even if you’re not quite there yet, it’s important to remember that it’s possible and likely when you’re willing to change!

Go From Uninspired to Motivated in 3 Easy Steps

Whether it’s losing weight or trying to land a new dream job, being motivated can make all the difference between success and defeat.

Preparation for success often requires hard work, though, and this isn’t always easy. Sometimes, you might feel like the only way to reach your goal is with unlimited amounts of motivation.

By now you’re probably wondering, “Where can I find my motivation?”

Try these techniques to spur you on:

1. Find motivation from those around you. The world is filled with those who could have made it, yet didn’t for any number of reasons. It is also filled with many successful people who are motivating themselves each day to reach higher and achieve more.

* The great news is that you can draw lots of motivation from both types of people. Those who haven’t achieved much can serve as reminder of where you probably don’t want to be and why you’re working so hard to reach success.

* People that are enjoying great amounts of success can also serve as motivation, giving you a concrete vision of where you can one day be.

* In addition, seeing others like you becoming successful reinforces the idea that it is indeed possible to turn your own dream into a reality.

* If others can be successful, then why can’t you? Rather than coming up with reasons why you can’t reach success, focus on discovering all the reasons why you can!

2. Stay focused on the purpose. If you’re training to run a marathon, you’ll probably wind up spending significant amounts of time running every day. If you’re waking up every morning and subjecting your body to intense levels of physical exertion with no meaning behind it, you’ll be more likely to lose interest.

* A major part of being successful is reminding yourself why you’re doing the necessary preparation to reach your end goal.

* When you remember your “why,” you’ll devote more focused energy into your preparation to achieve outstanding results.

* It’s important to stay centered on the reason you’re doing something, and if you’re unable to come up with a reason, perhaps you should be doing something else.

3. Believe in yourself. When you’re in the trenches, working hard each day to grind your way to victory, it can be easy to question yourself and your abilities.

* Stay positive and have faith in your skills and hard work. Otherwise you’ll be planting a seed of doubt in everything that you do.

* Remaining positive can be a challenge, yet part of the entire idea of having faith in yourself has much to do with continuing to move forward even when you’re not clear where your steps will take you.

* This means that, even if you’re not sure exactly how you’re going to achieve your goal, you can still take steps towards that goal, knowing in your heart that you’ll successfully cross any bridges once they present themselves.

Practice using these techniques each day and soon you’ll find that motivation seems to come naturally to you. Your lackluster efforts will be a thing of the past as you boldly go forward into your shining future of success!

Top 10 Tips for Staying Motivated When You’re Unemployed

Top 10 Tips for Staying Motivated When You are Unemployed

Losing your job is painful. There are many days when you may feel discouraged because the job market is complicated and the competition for jobs is fierce. In order to get through a period of unemployment, it is important to use whatever resources you can to stay motivated.

Try these tips to boost your motivation while you search for a new job:

Utilize the power of the internet. Save time and money! Many tasks that will help you get a job are activities you can do more efficiently online.

Research companies, fill out applications, and join online networking groups to streamline your job search.

  1. Work on your job search each day. Spend five days of the week actively looking for a job. Pick the ones that will work best for you. In most cases, that would be Monday through Friday. Take the other two days off.
  2. Use your unemployment funds wisely. Pay bills that are necessary but limit other things, like social outings, to a minimum.
    1. If you need to borrow money from a friend or family member, do so. Having the money you need to get by will take a lot of stress off of you.
  3. Eat nutritious food. Stressful times tend to weaken your immune system, so include plenty of extra fruits and vegetables in your diet to help your body be at its best. Protein is also necessary for keeping your energy levels up when you are looking for work.
    1. Trying to gain or lose weight at this time doesn’t usually work well. You are more likely to be successful with your weight goals if you put off dieting until after you have found another position.
  4. Exercise regularly. Enjoy whatever type of exercise that you are used to doing. This can be dancing, running, walking, or any other type of activity that you wish.
  5. Exercise reduces stress, brings you energy, keeps you alert, increases your feelings of well-being, and strengthens your health. All of these benefits will help keep you motivated while looking for a job.
  6. Get plenty of rest. It may be difficult to sleep at times when you are looking for work, but it’s better to try. For optimum benefits, shoot for 7 or 8 hours of good quality sleep.
    1. Avoid caffeine or computer screens for several hours before bedtime to make it easier to get your rest.
  7. Use your friends for support. Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of your friends. Explain to them that you’re between jobs and actively looking for work. Tell them what you’re looking for and your background and skills.
    1. Your friends may know of a company that is looking for someone just like you!
  8. Make an effort to keep in touch with previous co-workers. Co-workers from your previous job may also have job ideas and leads for you.
  9. Watch your transportation costs. Cutting back on your gas mileage will save you money. It will also prevent a lot of wasted time. Only go to companies that you’ve contacted and have an interview with, so you aren’t just pounding the pavement.
  10. Schedule some me time each day. When you’re unemployed, you might find that you’re actually working harder than ever. Plus, the stress is highly taxing both mentally and physically. It’s important to re-energize and boost your morale by engaging in activities that bring you pleasure.
    1. Try to spend an hour each day doing something you love. Whether you immerse yourself in a hobby or a good book, or even just take a nap, enjoy your special time however you like. Pamper yourself. You deserve it!

Finding a new job almost always takes longer than we want it to, but you can stay motivated by using these tips. Stay focused and dedicated, and you’re determination will pay off.